Pack 3763 Bridging, 6/4/16

Saturday, 6/4/16
3:30 - 5:00 pm
Dos Vientos Neighborhood Park
(on Via Andrea & Lynn Road, across from the horse ranches)
Bears - Flags

Congratulations to all Pack 3763 Scouts!  
Our current Scouts will be bridging to their next rank.  
And our newest Scouts will be bridging into our Pack.  
Please join in the ceremony & honor this great achievement & new dedication.  Neckerchiefs, slides, & caps will be supplied for all Scouts bridging up or bridging in.  
No need to purchase these.  But don't forget to pick up your new Scout Handbook for your new rank.  You can work on the new requirements as early as 6/1/16.

Please be sure Scouts come in Class A uniforms.  
Bring chairs &/or blankets for sitting.  
And consider arriving a little early to ensure parking.

We will celebrate with CAKE at the conclusion!  Yay!