Pack 3763
Kickoff Meeting
Raingutter Regatta

Sunday 9/20 @ 3:30 PM
Get ready to sail!
It's time for the Rain Gutter Regatta! Due to the restrictions on our meeting together in person, we will need to get more creative this year - literally! The den leaders will be distributing your boat kits and it will be up to each Scout to go crazy with your creativity. Feel free to add whatever you want to your boat. Use any color. Add extras like glitter or passengers. If it doesn't float, not a problem. We will be sharing your creativity during our next Pack Zoom meeting. Each Scout will be asked to display their boat during the meeting and offer a few words on their inspiration.
Have fun!
Please contact your Den Leader to get your boat... and be prepared to show off your creativity at our next Pack meeting.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
3:30 PM